Three most sturdy Japanese maple trees

Three most sturdy Japanese maple trees

Three most sturdy Japanese maple trees picked out here for this Japanese maple tree list are Ornatum Japanese maples, Osakazuki Japanese maples, and Sango Kaku Japanese maples.

Three most sturdy Japanese maple trees
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Ornatum Japanese maples

This reliable and old variety of Japanese maples was originated in European countries. It carries with itself a very good and authentic record of good behavior. The mushroom shape is surely not the best as compared to other varieties of its family but it does create an impact when placed in a suitable site. It can take a height of ten feet when fully grown. The dominating color in its life is orange which turns into the red in the fall. The leaves are of intervened structure consequently it can take many different shapes but it usually remains leafless during the winter.

Moreover, the size of the leaves varies between 2 to 5 inches and the lobes can reach 7 in numbers. Interestingly it carries a fruit which should be collected before the season of autumn. The dissected leaves demand some protection from hot winds, shading of any kind can solve this problem. In western countries, it doesn’t demand any special care as the climate is not hot in these regions. Some bacterial attacks are known which generally occur in the wet climate and can easily be overcome with a proper arrangement of airflow.

Three most sturdy Japanese maple trees
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Osakazuki Japanese maples

It is an authentic and old variety in the Japanese maples which dates back to the 19th century. It is a well-known breed amongst the gardeners due to its good behavior and equally popular in the public for its magical crimson colors that it bears in the autumn. It gains good height and width and culminates to 18 feet in height. The usual number of lobes in the leaves is 7. And the leaf is in proportion to the height as they stretch up to 4 inches. In the spring season when the new leaves emerge abundantly they are usually of green color and by the time they reach to the summer transform into more dark colors. And before falling off in the autumn they reach to the peak in the form of vivid red color.

In autumn it seems the whole garden is centered towards this amazing plant. And in the same season, a fruit known as Samara can be ripened which is of very small size. The tree is sturdier than any other known family member of the maple tree and for this reason, it can bear the sunlight to much extant. And the same is true for any bacterial attack, which generally is a threat to all the Japanese maples.

Sango Kaku Japanese maples

It is a highly celebrated variety in the upright collection of Japanese maples. The Japanese name is often translated as coral-painted, which is truly justified as it takes an amazing color on the bark when the leaves are completely shed, and for this reason, it is not only famous for the colors of leaves but is equally known for the colors of twigs. The barks as the name suggest turns into astonishing coral red color. It is by any definition a full-fledged tree as it can take an amazing height of 25 feet. The new emergence of leave happens in April and they appear in the exciting yellow-green color. As the seasons pass by they take the dominant color of their life that happens to be light green.

The leaves are of even shapes, and no great variation is visible from a distance. It is known to be a sturdy tree which is a quality that is quite rare in the Japanese maples and this can be appreciated as it can be planted in diverse types of soils. The only known problem with this tree is its higher rate of catching a bacterial attack which can be reduced if a proper site is chosen, which should have the appropriate flow of air. The sturdiness is a quality that is most appreciated by the experts as they know the advantages this quality brings. People who are interested in the Japanese maple trees should know these advantages before making any decision so that they can have the best return for their investments.

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