When to Plant Trees

When to Plant Trees

It is very important to know the best time of year to plant trees for a given area, and the four seasons of the year are a useful guide for that in most parts of the world, however the four common seasons can vary in the length of the season from region to region, and also in the temperature dip of winter, or in the temperature spike of summer.

It is also important to know the basic principles of tree planting, and to know the essentials of tree plant growing in general. Watch this video with links to resources on when to plant trees. Trees are living plants, so treat them as such; a) choose a tree variety wisely; b) and choose a compatible location for the tree; c) support the life of that tree by; checking and keeping an eye on the soil moisture, and the plant appearance for any bugs or disease. Also by giving it water and fertilizer, and protection when required.

Trees need and require seven essentials for them to grow to green tall and healthy, the requirements are:

  • water
  • sunlight
  • warmth
  • oxygen
  • nutrients
  • fertilizer
  • Plenty of room to grow and to establish their roots.

The best season to plant many trees is during the autumn season, it’s the season when the tree are not growing up above the ground level, but rather growing down below at the root base.

Before the dormant winter period arrives the energy that the tree is using to grow is directed at the right area that is the root system. The root base is essential for a healthy tree growth in the next coming spring and summer seasons, when the growth takes place above the ground on the stem, branches and leaves.

The second best season to grow trees is the spring season. During the Spring, the young tree plant buds will start to open and sprout, as long as it warm enough during the spring season, the plants roots will grow below the ground level and get established before the spring turns into summer. Young tree plants need optimal conditions for their growth, and they grow in cycles like most living plants and trees do, and they need a lot of TLC, meaning; sunlight, warmth, nutrients and water to grow healthy.

Winter is not really good for planting trees, whether winter means extreme cold, windy or extremely dry. The worst season to grow trees is the hot and dry season, and for the most part of the globe that can be extremely hot and dry, without sufficient natural rainfall.

There are some regional exceptions, and tropical conditions, where the seasonal temperatures are very much even throughout the year, consult your local gardener or a nursery for guidance.
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